December 21, 2023 \ Georgia Law
Strictly speaking, Georgia does not offer a formal legal status called “separation,” notwithstanding the fact that many Georgia couples are, in fact, separated. What Georgia does offer, however, is a legal action it calls “separate maintenance,” which is essentially the same as a legal separation. What Is Separate Maintenance? Separate maintenance can resolve the following […]
August 30, 2023 \ Georgia Law
Marriage is one of the few institutions that has been around longer than courts have. In ancient times, marrying couples couldn’t simply go to the courthouse and sign a marriage certificate. In other words, back in those days, all marriages were common law marriages. Believe it or not, a few common law marriages still exist […]
June 21, 2023 \ Georgia Law
When you file a lawsuit in Georgia, you must serve a copy of the lawsuit on the opposing party. This rule applies to all lawsuits, including divorces and other family law matters. Georgia Code §9-11-4 governs the service of lawsuits. The law allows for several methods of service, including service by: Using a process server […]